Welcome to the Angelic Rx Page!
This is a fun and interactive way to see what the Divine has in store for you to help you change your energetic frequency. These suggestions were given to Erlinda Vo by the Divine and are designed as tools to support you in up-leveling to the next level.
Please note this is not medical advice! This is a simple guide to lead you to a variety of spiritual modalities to do to help you cultivate Divine Alignment and take care of your soul.
How to use this page:
Close your eyes and get present in your body
Take a deep breathe in and then release it. Take another deep breathe in and then slowly release it
With your eyes close, silently say 3 gratitudes to yourself
Request that your higher self, God, the Universe, the Master Angels, the Light, Jesus, Buddha, Allah whomever you resonate with - ask them to guide you to the best possible frequency for your highest life path today
Ask you how many symbols you need to pick? see if you can hear something. If not, we suggest picking two.
Scroll over the symbol above and then choosing the symbol/symbols at random
Take note of what they want you to do
Whisper “Thank You” out loud
Sit for a moment and listen to your intuition to see if they are trying to communicate anything else to you