the Vibe Ups | Past Recordings

  • receiving blessings.

    This video helps to remove blocks to receiving blessings.

    Introductory Cost: $19.99

  • faithful bliss.

    When you elevate your faith, the Divine can pour bliss over your life.

    Cost: $179.00

  • unprecedented results.

    This is not your ordinary Vibe Up, sky-rocket your results today.

    Cost: $179.00

  • listening to the Divine.

    When you are in alignment, you can hear the Divine clearly.

    Cost: $179.00

  • opening your heart.

    A closed heart can not hear the whispers of the Divine. Breathe & Allow.

    Cost: $179.00

  • increase your worthiness.

    You only have what you believe you deserve. Up-level to have more of what you desire.

    Cost. $179.00

What people are saying

“I slept for 20 hours after my first Vibe Up, this stuff is real”

— Rebecca